What is an Arduino???

What the Arduino???

OK, it's probably a good idea to describe what is an Arduino? Lately I have been getting the following question a LOT; "What is it that you sell?", because people look at my website and they see a lot of electronics and don't necessarily know what it is and what it can do.

Arduino collections and Kits for DIY electronics and Home Automation

I think there is a lot of resources on the web that describes what an Arduino is and also why you probably need one in your home, please take a look at the following website and already it will be a lot clearer why you should get yourself one and also how to use it.

Arduino how to DIY electronic projects

OK, I get it - What now?

If you have followed the post up to this point then you are probably interested, but what now, where do I start? I think it's best to start by setting yourself a budget for your new hobby, how much are you willing to spend? After you have decided on a budget try to determine what project you want to do? There is a lot of possibilities some things that you might consider are as follow;

- Irrigation System

- Wifi Gate remote control

There is a lot of possibilities, feel free to contact me at jaco@electronicconsulting.com and I will be more than willing to direct you. If you would just like to get started and test drive the hardware and environment then I would suggest our beginners starter kit;

Arduino starter kit for DIY electronics 

If you have a bigger budget and you feel you want to hit the ground running then I will suggest our Arduino Extreme kit;

Arduino extreme kit for DIY electronics

Why do I need another hobby?

Great! This seems EXCITING!! BUT!! I already have so many hobbies is it wise to get another hobby? These are thoughts that might run through your head and to answer that question; yes this is a hobby you do need because it potentially won't subtract from your current hobbies but rather improve them, take for example how this beer brewer added some control to his beer brewing hobby;

Arduino DIY electronics beer brewing

These are just some examples, the idea is to get your mind going it's a world of possibilities! If you have some suggestions of projects that you would like to do please let me know I will go so far as to doing a blog on the project and take you step by step from concept to a prototype.






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